пятница, 11 ноября 2011 г.

losing eyelashes in ELBE losing eyelashes ELBE

losing eyelashes in ELBE

losing eyelashes

losing eyelashes ELBE

losing eyelashes in ELBE.Losing eyelashes is something we all do, all the time.
In other words losing eyelashes is very, very normal.
If it happens frequently though, there might be.
When one considers all the possible things that can lead to losing eyelashes, it seems a wonder that we have any left by the time we reach adulthood.
The truth is, eyelashes are pretty tough customers, and if treated well are unlikely to fall out at a rate greater than would be normal.
This hair loss, unless excessive, is quite normal.
There are various factors, including genetics that can result in premature or excessive hair loss.
Fortunately, of all the hairs on our body, the eyelashes are usually the least affected.
One reason for this is that our eyelashes are almost constantly in motion when we are awake.
This constant motion, in the eyelids, promotes blood circulation, which in turn helps to keep the eyelash follicles healthy.
Bear in mind that our eyelashes are not just for the sake of appearance, though lovely lashes can help make someone appear more attractive.
Our eyelashes perform a pair of important functions.
First of all, they act as efficient filters, helping keep sweat and particles in the air away from the eyeball.
They can also act as light filters, reducing the amount of light that passes into the eye.
Not as effective as sunglasses of course, but more effective than one might think.
Eyelash loss, when not normal, is called madarosis, and there are a number of things that can cause it.
One leading cause is self inflicted.
Eyelashes are not meant to be pulled, and if pulled often may simply fall out, and if the hair follicle has been damaged, which can happen, may not grow back.
Applying cosmetics to the eyelashes or attempting to lengthen them will pull on them.
Some pull of pluck at their eyelashes as a nervous habit, others pull at their eyelashes when afflicted by a psychiatric disorder known as trichotillomania, or ttm.
Those suffering from this disorder have an obsessive compulsion to pull and tug at their lashes and eyebrows as well.
Diseases, disorders, and medications other diseases or disorders which may result in losing eyelashes are hypothyroidism and immune system disorders.
Pregnant women sometimes lose eyelashes as a result of hormonal imbalances.
This is usually a temporary situation, and the eyelashes normally grow back, though it may take a few months.
A disease of the hair follicles can of course be a cause, although this and many other diseases are treatable.
One disease which is not is alopecia areata, in which eyelash loss will be permanent.
Medications and medical treatments, especially radiation therapy and chemotherapy can also contribute to losing eyelashes, though usually only on a temporary basis.
Cosmetics sometimes pay a role as well.
Keeping the eyelids moisturized can help in keeping the lashes healthy, and less susceptible to loss.

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