суббота, 24 сентября 2011 г.

how to shampoo carpet::Go to the grocery store how to shampoo carpet

how to shampoo carpet how to shampoo carpet::Go to the grocery store.
Find yourself a pile of old towels, old tee shirts, anything you can use to blot the carpet.
First thing you want to do is blot, blot, blot where the cat peed.
Do this several timesyou want to first try to weaken the concentration of weewee in the carpet.
Warm water, blot, wring the cloth out, repeat.
Then, mix up a onethird and two thirds solution of white vinegar and warm water.
If your carpet can bear it and you can endure the stink, make it fifty fifty.
Spray or dump it onto the offending area liberally, and let it sit a bit.
You want that lovely vinegar to penetrate all of the peedupon fibers of the carpet.
Then, next day, give your carpet a good sniff.
If it still stinks of cat pee, repeat the vinegar routine.
You really want to knock that stink for a loop before you do anything else, and the vinegar will do it, though it may take a few tries.
Take your baking soda, and sprinkle it all over the carpet.
To work the baking soda into the carpet, especially at the cat pee spotsuse lots there.
Leave it for a day.
Vacuum up the baking soda.
In futurenever let a cat pee stain sit.
Go after it at once with the vinegar.
Keep your cat off the carpet, and keep a spray bottle of plain water handyif you see fluffy starting to wee wee, spray her with the water and put her in her litterbox.
how to shampoo carpet::Like with any carpet cleaner, you are going to
want to vacuum heavily prior to applying the shampoo to the carpet how
to shampoo carpet

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