carpet quality reviews

carpet quality reviews
carpet quality reviews::If you did not find the question and answer you were looking for, please let us know by filling out the form below.Can anyone write a review?
We believe that customer feedback is critical.
However, only customers of a business are allowed to publish reviews of that business.
In addition, reviewers need to have been a customer of the business they are reviewing within the prior 12 months.
Are all reviews published?
All valid customer reviews that do not violate our publishing guidelines will be published within 10 days of their submission.
Will my review be edited?
However, if your comments are offensive or inappropriate, your review will not be published.
Why do i need to create an account to write a review?
We do not allow anonymous reviews to be published.
However, the business that you reviewed will be able to see your identity to verify that you are a customer.
If you want to send an anonymous comment to a business, you can use the suggestion box field at the bottom of the review form.
Although we require that you create an account with us to use the suggestion box, all feedback entered into the suggestion box field is sent to the company anonymously.
Can i send an anonymous comment to a company?
You can send an anonymous comment to a company as part of a review.
At the bottom of the review form is the suggestion box section.
However, in order to submit your suggestion box comment, you must create an account and write a review.
The business that you reviewed will be able to see your review matched with your identity to verify that you are a customer.
What is your privacy policy?
Our policy is simple and effective.
We will not sell, rent or trade your personal information.
When you submit a review, your name and email address will be made available to the business you are reviewing.
However, all information you submitted in the suggestion box part of the review form will be sent to the business you are reviewing with no information identifying who you are.
Can i delete a review after i have written it?
I just read an offensive review.
What can i do?
Please click the flag this review button under the review and use the comment section of the flag dialog box to tell us why this review was offensive.
Am i allowed to write anything i want?
We encourage you to be factual and honest.
carpet quality reviews::We have provided you with a page of customer
comments to share with you the wonderful things that our customers have
told us carpet quality reviews
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