среда, 21 сентября 2011 г.

cat urine smell out of carpet::Then dampen the area that was urinated on, with the vinegarwater solution cat urine smell out of carpet

cat urine smell out of carpet cat urine smell out of carpet::Then dampen the area that was urinated on, with the vinegarwater solution.
Here is where most people go wrong.
Let the spot dry.
But if you do place something on top of it the vinegar will have time to neutralize and evaporate the urine.
It will take some time for it to dry, several hours.
When it is all dry treat the area again, but with 3 parts water and 1 part vinegar.
After it has dried for the second time, the urine smell should be gone.
It may take a couple of days for the vinegar smell to go away.
I used hot water as per the directions, but later read that cold water would have been better.
That was a few weeks ago and this week has been one of those humid, rainy summer times.
Hopefully this helps some of you who might have the same problem.
Despite being scared by all the posters who say you have to totally rip out and rebuild your floors.
Well i did, and wow, gone the stain and smell, took a smell test before and 1 hour after what a difference.
Peroxide will break down the enzymes as well as the crystals in the urine.
Do not use soap, pinesol or ammonia which harden the crystaline form of the urine and make it harder to remove.
Pour peroxide directly on the effected area however be sure to test for color fastness in a small area first.
Allow the peroxide to dry and then rinse the area with distilled water.
cat urine smell out of carpet::Hi its craig the odor dude here and i
have over 10 years experience in cat urine smell out of carpet

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