вторник, 20 сентября 2011 г.

red carpet slip ups::It may be issue 6 red carpet slip ups

red carpet slip ups red carpet slip ups::It may be issue 6.
Like the years 0999 are still called the first century, even though there no number one in it.
Welcome to issue xxx of shamzinev2.
This issue we finaly get to listen to the legendary lost interview with duhwins bestest band evah.
They talk about playing original music in duhwin, music theory, and some interesting stories about bass in the grass.
There seems to be a common theme when talking to bands about bitg, and its not a positive one.
Maybe we should have a chat to bitg organisers and get their side of the story.
We also listen to a song from duhwin up and comers.
They are the best new band ive heard up here since.
A sound thats a bit of everything but more than the sum of its parts, like really really fat guitars, slipperey bass, sparing, subtle double kick, and interesting vocals.
None of the parts should work together, but they do so frikkin well.
Go see them play at.
Find out about there gigs and go see them.
Finally we have a new segment.
If you have an idea for a bit on shamzinev2.
Better yet, just do it already and send me the finished thing.
Cmon, it cant be anywhere near as half arsed and poorly produced as whats already on offer right?
Guess what the email address is?

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