среда, 21 сентября 2011 г.

removing vomit odor from carpet::Michael believe it or not shaving cream removing vomit odor from carpet

removing vomit odor from carpet removing vomit odor from carpet::Michael believe it or not shaving cream!
The oldfashioned white foamy type, not a gel.
Use what you have on hand, or go to the dollar store and buy the cheapest one.
Squirt a big glob on the stain, then work it in really really well with a brush or a clean rag.
Let it dry, then vacuum it up.
You may need more than one application.
Our cat vomited and the bile got spread around in a large area on a white carpet.
Tried multiple ways to remove it and all we saw was a faded yellow patch on the center of our carpet in a very prominent walkway!
Thinking this one piece of vomit was going to cost us several thousand dollars so we would replace the carpet with wood floors, i tried the shaving foam trick.
The carpet looks great and no stain.
The bile had stained the carpet yellow.
I then tried pouring vinegar on the yellow stains and putting a towel over it and then standing on the towel to soa1k up the stain.
Be generous with your vinegar.
I have a beige carpet and no matter what i use it leaves a pinkish stain.
Pour club soda on the stain and rub with a terry hand towel than take a clean towel and blot the rest of the club soda out of your carpet.
I use that remedy for all carpet stains.
removing vomit odor from carpet::Although, you have removed the vomit,
it can leave behind its specific odour on your carpet removing vomit
odor from carpet

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