вторник, 20 сентября 2011 г.

cat pooping on carpet::Think about it, how did you train your cat to use a litter box cat pooping on carpet

cat pooping on carpet cat pooping on carpet::Think about it, how did you train your cat to use a litter box?
There is absolutely no reason to expect every cat to like the same material, or even for one cat to prefer the same material over an entire life span.
Ok, first lesson learned: you did not train your cat to use a litter box.
At best, you offered the cat something recognizable as litter material.
If your cat is having litter box problems then you will need to figure out how to make the litter box appealing to the cat.
Cats are very adept at hiding illness, so if your cat is having litter box problems then the first thing you need to do is take the cat to a vet for a medical exam.
Scented litters are unacceptable to many cats, and the leftover scent from a cleaning product could also be a problem.
Get rid of the perfumes, and scrub those cleaners away before giving the box back to the cat.
Remember that cats have an acute sense of smell.
Is it secure from little marauders like dogs and children, or even other cats?
If the box is not semiprivate, move it to a better location.
You may need to offer several different types of litter before finding the right one.
The type of box could also be a problem.
If the box has a cover, try removing it.
Did some event scare your cat?
This could be anything from a new couch to a new cat or even a new person in the house.
Cats seem to hang on to their emotions, so the anxiety could last much longer than the actual event.
No need to rush, leave that safe haven available to the cat for as long as possible.
Is the cat refusing to use the litter box, or is the cat spraying?
Spraying is a territorial behavior and has nothing to do with disliking the box.
For more information on litter box problems or spraying, consult with a trained behaviorist.
The key to solving elimination problems is to make the litter box more attractive, and the area where the cat is soiling instead, unattractive.
Sometimes, just cleaning the litter box more frequently or changing its location will correct the problem.
Other times, you may need to experiment with different combinations of location and kitty litter to find a solution.
You may even want to offer your cat the choice of several different boxes, each with different kinds of litter, to see which he or she prefers.
Be sure to clean the soiled area thoroughly with a pet odor remover to get rid of any urine scent or your cat may be attracted back to the same spot.
Try covering the spot with carpet runner, prickly side up, or use a device that delivers a harmless static shock or that produces a loud noise when the cat comes near, to help redirect kitty to his litter box.
Adding a room deodorizer with a scent the cat finds offensive such as a strong citrus or floral can also keep the cat away from the area.
If your cat continues to eliminate outside of the litter box, a trip to the vet is in order to check for health problems.
No behavior techniques will help a cat with a problem that requires the attention of a veterinarian.
A urinalysis can also rule out diabetes.
Other conditions that may affect elimination behavior include arthritis which makes is painful to climb in and out of the box and constipation.

http://manusandovaldorfhainblog.blogspot.com/2011/09/cat-pooping-on-carpetwe-had-no.html cat pooping on carpet::We had no litterbox problems with them until we
had a baby last december, then one of them started pooping just beside
his litterbox, but he would still pee in the box cat pooping on carpet

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